How we can help: Find support near you with our online dementia directory
Our dementia directory can help you find services and activities for people affected by dementia in your area.
‘I have vascular dementia and I live alone in Liverpool. I’m keen to meet people and find out what support I can get, but I don’t know what’s going on locally.’
Having a good support network is really helpful when you have dementia and live on your own. Meeting other people who can relate to your situation also makes a big difference.
You can get help through us in many ways, and our online dementia directory can help you find services and activities for people affected by dementia that are available in your area. These could include anything from social groups to care homes.
Your options
If you enter your location and the kind of support you’re looking for, the directory will give you a list of results to look through.
For the location, you can type in an area, part of an address or a postcode – the more specific you can be, the better.
There’s a tick box in case you only want to search for Alzheimer’s Society services, plus a link to a category guide to explain more about each type of support.
You’re then asked to select types of support, and you can choose as many as you like. There’s a tick box in case you only want to search for Alzheimer’s Society services, plus a link to a category guide to explain more about each type of support.
You can change these later if you’d like to search using a different location or combination of types of support.
Your results
When you get the results, you can choose between local, regional and national listings. Local services will be within a certain distance of your location, and you can adjust this distance. They’ll mostly take place at local venues like community centres or care homes. Regional listings include services for people living in your community, sometimes provided through home visits.
Each service has its own page with more information about who runs it, practical information and contacts.
The listings say where each service is and who it’s for, alongside a short description of what it offers. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page and there are still more results, you’ll be able to click ‘load more’ to see them.
Each service has its own page with more information about who runs it, practical information and contacts so you can get further details, such as opening times. You’ll also see a map of where to find it, and you can click through to directions too.
What else?
The directory could bring up a wide range of options in some parts of the country, and fewer local results in other parts. Either way, you should see regional and national services that could also help.
Remember that you might be able to get what you’re looking for from local groups and organisations that aren’t listed. Your local library, community centre, local authority or GP practice may be able to help you to find these as well.
Find support near you
Use our dementia directory to find local support services for people with dementia and their carers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.