Other ways to donate

Find more information about donating to Alzheimer's Society by post, phone or text. Why not explore other ways of supporting our work while you're here?

Donations are a vital source of support for our organisation, but there are other ways you can provide help and hope to people living with dementia.

If you're not looking to give a monetary donation today, then consider these easy alternatives.

Ways to make a donation offline

If you'd rather make a donation to Alzheimer's Society via post or phone, you can do so using the details below. Or, you can choose to donate online at anytime. Thank you for your support.

Please download our donations form, and send it along with your cheques/postal orders to:

Alzheimer's Society
Suite 2
1st Floor East Wing
Plumer House
Tailyour Road
PL6 5FS 

All donations will be acknowledged as soon as possible by post.

Cheques or postal orders should be made payable to 'Alzheimer's Society'. Unfortunately we can't accept cash due to security reasons.

To make a donation by phone, please call us on 0330 333 0804

Text one of the following codes to make a one-off donation and help us continue to lead the fight against dementia:

  • CARE3 to 70567 to donate £3
  • CARE5 to 70567 to donate £5
  • CARE10 to 70567 to donate £10

Donation amount plus your standard network charge will be deducted from your next bill. Your donation will either be added to your phone bill or deducted from your credit.

Text donation terms and conditions

Alzheimer's Society receives 100% of your donation. Obtain bill payers permission. Supporter Care 0330 333 0804. Charity no. 296645.

Reply 'NOCALL' at any time if you would not like to be contacted by phone in the future.

Contact us

If you have any further questions please contact us on 0330 333 0804 or [email protected]