Share your diagnosis story

We want to show decision-makers across the UK the realities of seeking a dementia diagnosis. 

Share yours or a loved one's diagnosis story today and we'll add it to our story wall.

Let's make dementia a priority.

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Howard and I first met and started...
My husband suddenly didn’t know who I was when we had just started our camper van holiday in France. Eventually when we were back he was diagnosed ( incorrectly as it t...
My husband was diagnosed after months of waiting just asked him a few questions but he did have a brain scan to prove it then it was go and get on with it a few years a...
My journey to diagnosis, I was working driving HGV and I started missing drops and getting lost and I got so scared something had to be done. I went to see my GP and he...
When visiting my GP for a personal reason I told him I had suspected that my husband may be developing dementia. He told me that he was treating me & to make an appoint...
My late father showed signs of Alzheimer’s from the age of 75. There wasn’t much medical knowledge therefore, no diagnosis or medication to at least slow progress down...
Diagnosis of Parkinson syndrome an...
DAW supporter
I put my life on hold for my siste...
My mum was tested and discharged by Memory Services without a dementia diagnosis, despite significant problems with her memory and cognition. Six months later, she trie...
It took us nearly 2 years to get a diagnosis for my dad. The GP was very supportive, however the memory clinic we were referred to wasn’t. They suggested that my dad wa...
Mam suffered dementia to such an extent she had to go into a Care Home. Nothing was ever done to slow down it's severity but when at home she had been allocated a care...
Our first visit to the GP practice was an appointment with the practice paramedic who after a basic test referred my husband to the memory clinic. He explained that the...

Share your diagnosis story

Share your diagnosis experiences with us, so we can show decision makers the realities and issues people are facing.

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