Share your diagnosis story

We want to show decision-makers across the UK the realities of seeking a dementia diagnosis. 

Share yours or a loved one's diagnosis story today and we'll add it to our story wall.

Let's make dementia a priority.

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My beautiful mum whom I sadly lost...
With my dad we had very quickly a clear and precise diagnosis - because it was hereditary my mom, who was with him at the time, was advised that other blood relatives m...
Together with my dad, I cared for ...
Hello, my story is about my husband who sadly passed away 18 months ago from Alzheimer’s. 8 years ago I noticed small changes in John, a bit forgetful, mis pronouncing ...
Mum was diagnosed with vascular dementia in 2015. For much of the early years they were both somewhat ‘in denial’. They had very little support from the dementia care s...
supporter photo
I realised my husband had a memory...
I first noticed mum’s behaviour was changing when she was sixty years old. I contacted my mum’s GP surgery several times, but they wouldn’t listen to my concerns. I too...
My beautiful wife is called Evalin...
My mum was diagnosed with dementia 6 years ago and passed away in February this year. We knew something was wrong with mum and tried to get her to talk to her GP but s...
DAW supporter
I was raised in Nottingham by my p...
My mother was waiting for an appointment with the memory clinic for 6-8 months, but was struggling to look after herself, refused to go out and was having several falls...
Hi everyone im Sherie and I have l...

Share your diagnosis story

Share your diagnosis experiences with us, so we can show decision makers the realities and issues people are facing.

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