Advice for people affected by dementia during the cost of living crisis

As the scale of the cost of living crisis widens, we are hearing growing evidence from people affected by dementia that they are being hit harder than most. How can Alzheimer’s Society help?

You may already have extra costs due to living with aspects of dementia. You might work less or have had to stop work altogether.

You may have paid extra for technology or adaptations to your home. And anyone funding their own care will be paying to have someone provide help at home or spending thousands in care home fees.

The current cost of living crisis comes on top of all these usual costs.

Impact of the cost of living crisis on people affected by dementia

We’ve been listening to what people affected by dementia have told us and the impacts for some are shocking. Everyone’s circumstances are different, but as examples we’ve heard how:

  • people are cutting down on visits to services or to see loved ones because of transport or fuel costs
  • people with dementia are running up extra energy bills by forgetting to turn off lights or appliances
  • bills for people with dementia are rising because of being inside more or needing the washing machine on more frequently due to continence issues
  • people affected by dementia worry that their homes will no longer be warm due to reduced heating or less safe because they are badly lit
  • people feel increasingly anxious about the rising costs of home care or care home fees – raising the possibility of care homes closing and people with high levels of need having to be supported at home.

Something we’ve heard a lot is that many people haven’t felt the worst yet but are very anxious about what is to come in the next few weeks and months. What can you do to help you get through this worrying time?

Cost of living help for people affected by dementia

1. Claim what you are entitled to

You may be reluctant, but claiming benefits such as Pension credit and Attendance allowance can make a big financial difference. This could include eligibility to cost of living payments and help with NHS costs.

Use benefits calculators to get an idea of what you may be entitled to, or even better get a full benefits check with Citizen’s Advice or your local welfare Rights Service. 

Did you know?

Although carers over state pension age won’t usually be paid Carer’s allowance due to it overlapping with their state pension, they can get an extra £38.85 per week in their Pension credit. They just need to claim Carer’s allowance and have an underlying entitlement to it.

2. Make your house as energy efficient as possible

Specialist organisations such as the Energy Saving Trust provide practical advice on heating your home, saving water and buying energy-efficient products.

If you are turning off the heating more and more, Money Saving Expert’s guidance Heat the human, not the home has suggestions for staying warm and the comparable cost.

We know following these tips can be more of a challenge for people affected by dementia.

Memory loss can mean taps, heating and lights can get left on, leading to increased costs. Simple things like leaving a reminder note next to the switch or appliance may help.

If this makes little difference, there may be a technological solution, such as a pre-recorded message reminder above the door in the kitchen and bathroom. You could also explore options, such as push-down taps, sensor lights or switching to LED bulbs. 

Did you know?

If you have high water usage due to managing incontinence, speak to your water provider about the WaterSure scheme. There are certain criteria to meet but, if you are eligible, this can cap the amount you have to pay.

3. Are you worried about paying for homecare?

Lots of people living with dementia rely on support to remain independent, but this care costs money.

If you have low income and capital (assets including savings and investments), you may be eligible for local authority funding towards your homecare. In the financial assessment, the local authority must leave you with enough money to pay for any disability-related expenditure and certain housing costs.

Once these are paid, they must also leave you with your Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG). This is the amount of income that is needed for basic living costs such as food, utility bills and insurance.

If you currently have a care package and are struggling to pay your bills, speak to the local authority. The purpose of the MIG is to promote independence and social inclusion, ensuring you have sufficient money to meet basic needs.

If increased costs mean this is no longer possible, the local authority may use their discretion to increase your MIG.

4. Access discretionary funds

If you have claimed all you are entitled to, there may be something called a Welfare assistance scheme or Household support fund in your area. In Wales this is called the Discretionary assistance fund, and in Northern Ireland, the Discretionary support scheme.

The help available varies as each local authority will decide how to spend money.

Some provide short-term help with food, bills or household items. Contact your local authority to see what help is available near you, or search End Furniture Poverty. Let your local authority know if you have additional costs due to living with or caring for someone with dementia, and what those costs are.

5. Look after your wellbeing

Even if you are managing financially, bad news about the rising cost of living may affect your mental health.

It may help to chat to other people affect by dementia on our online community Talking Point or work thorough tips to help with anxiety. If you feel increasingly anxious, low in mood or generally overwhelmed, speak to your GP.

Alzheimer’s Society is committed to doing all we can to help people affected by dementia through the cost of living crisis. We are collecting more evidence and listening to people every day so that we can adapt our response.

Are you affected by the cost of living crisis?

We want to hear from you. By talking about what you’ve been going through, you can you can help us tell powerful stories that ensure dementia remains a public and political priority.

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