Virgin Mobile criticised for hounding customer with dementia

Read about Kenneth Harkins, a Virgin Mobile customer with dementia's experience with the company.

'At Alzheimer’s Society, we hear too often how vulnerable customers living with dementia like Kenneth Harkins are being failed by utilities companies because of a lack of basic understanding and knowledge.

'Providers like Virgin Mobile have a duty to support their customers - had their records been accurate and their staff been trained to sensitively meet their customers’ needs, this would not have happened. It’s good to see action has been taken to rectify the situation, but it should never have reached a point when someone with dementia was hounded over a forgotten password.

'Our Dementia Friendly Utilities Guide highlights how, by taking simple steps like training staff to become Dementia Friends and ensuring straightforward tariffs for customers, utilities businesses can protect their vulnerable customers. All providers must unite to ensure that the rights of people with dementia are upheld and they are able to continue with essential parts of every day home life, like paying utilities bills.'
