Real stories
Caring for my mum with Lewy bodies dementia after Dad died
Louise lost her dad at the start of the pandemic a week before her mum, Marion, received her dementia with Lewy bodies diagnosis. After leaving her job to be a carer, and with mental health problems of her own, Louise is trying her best to help her mum live well with dementia.
2020 was a terrible year for a lot of people and I can relate to that. While dealing with difficult family matters, we also suspected that Mum had dementia. We could spot the signs as her dad had died from Alzheimer’s disease.
Mum’s dementia assessment and diagnosis
Mum had a memory assessment in January, followed by an MRI scan. She was only 70 but her score was particularly bad for someone of her age.
She had an appointment booked with the consultant in March for the results and diagnosis. We arrived at the appointment, but we couldn’t go in as lockdown was just starting.
Mum and I were turned away and told that the consultant would contact us by telephone. Two weeks later, my mum was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia.
Supporting Mum since losing Dad
The week before my mum received her dementia diagnosis, my dad, Peter, died.
I was heartbroken. We were unable to have any contact with him at all for the couple of days Dad was in hospital. He died with no-one by his side.
It became clear that Mum needed someone to care for her.
Mum was unable to do hardly anything for herself, extremely confused and hallucinating. I was furloughed from my job as a Pre-school Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, so I resigned to care for Mum.
What followed was a pretty harrowing few months as we were totally cut off from any professional help at all during lockdown.

Louise resigned from her job in order to care for her mum.
Difficulties with caring for Mum
My life has totally been turned upside-down. I also have mental health problems. There are different things that have happened to me in my life which finally resulted in me being diagnosed with intrusive thought obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety.
Whilst I believe that the things that I have experienced and lived through have in some ways made me stronger, the nature of the illness means that I will never be completely well again.
My demons are always there in the background. It is a constant battle, and enormous effort to keep them at bay using the techniques that I have learned through therapy and counselling just to be able to function “normally”.
People tell me that I need to look after myself as I won’t be able to care for Mum if I am ill. I am acutely aware of this, but it is difficult to find time to do the things I know that I need to do to keep myself well. I hardly have a minute to myself.
How dementia affects a family
Dementia destroys other family members as well as the person who has been diagnosed with it. You carry the responsibility for another person’s life and wellbeing on your shoulders 24/7 and 365 days a year.
Because of the nature of the illness, there isn't often anyone willing or able to support or help you. It can be a lonely existence where you feel torn between the person you are caring for and your family.
Dementia can bring about earth shattering revelations when people relive their past, which you will never be able to properly discuss with them or know if it is true, even if your gut feeling says it is.
Also, the implications of having someone with dementia think that you are somebody else and treat you as though you are, can be extremely traumatic for the carer.
It is so all-consuming. Alzheimer’s Society reminds me that I am still a person in my own right with other commitments such as being a mum, wife, and grieving daughter. They remind me to look after myself physically and mentally and help me work out how to do this.

Louise finds that being a carer can be a lonely experience.
Lessons I’ve learnt about dementia and relationships
What I’ve learnt from my own experience and from listening to others is that everyone has different starting points in their dementia journey, from the existing relationships that they have with their family as well as their own physical and mental health.
My Alzheimer’s “family” understands this. They have made me feel that both Mum and I are cared about. It’s like they envelop you in a protective blanket. Some people have never experienced that in their lives before and it gives you the strength to carry on.
While our Dementia Resource Centre was closed during lockdown, they tried to run as many things as they could through online video calls. I attended a few carers meetings on Zoom and I had telephone appointments to speak with my Dementia Support Worker, Grazi.
Lots of people have said (and I agree) that Zoom is better than having nothing at all, but it’s just not the same as being able to attend things in person. It is my lifeline.
Members of the groups are all at different stages on their journey, but we all support each other by being there, listening, crying, and laughing together. We talk about what has worked and what hasn’t and help each other to be prepared for what is to come.
I always feel comfortable to be myself and let Mum be herself knowing that we won’t be judged.
I think that holistic support would be extremely helpful – people who are aware and knowledgeable about both the dementia patient and the mental health patient.
That is yet another reason why Alzheimer’s Society staff are amazing. They are dealing – and supporting people like me – with past issues, on top of the job that they are there to do.
Why I support dementia research
A few years ago, Mum’s mum had been diagnosed with paranoia and taken to a secure unit. Doctors now think that what she had was undiagnosed dementia with Lewy bodies.
I’m pretty sure from what I have since read, that the anti-psychotic medications they were trying to get right eventually caused her to die from heart failure.
I take comfort from the fact that, in the time between my nan dying and Mum being diagnosed, research has been done to enable Lewy Body dementia to be recognised and treat it correctly.
I have taken part in various dementia research studies now myself.

Both Louise and Marion benefit from attending local dementia services.
Focusing on brief chances of happiness
Coronavirus robbed me of the chance to say goodbye to Dad and give him the death that he, and everyone, deserves as a fundamental human right.
Dementia also robs people of a chance to say a proper goodbye with the person that you once knew. It is a long, harrowing goodbye interspersed with brief chances for happiness.
I am trying my hardest to help Mum to live her best life possible under the circumstances.
Alzheimer’s Society is helping me to do this by acknowledging me and giving me a voice.
saysHi there,
We're sorry to hear about your mum, that sounds like a really difficult situation to be in.
We'd strongly recommend calling our support line on 0333 150 3456 to speak with one of our trained dementia advisers. They will listen to you and provide advice and support. You can find more details about the support line (including opening hours and other methods of contact) here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/dementia-support-line
We hope this helps for now.
Alzheimer's Society website team
saysI don't know what to do, I believe my husband who is 94 years old though not diagnosed with dementia, I believe from a long while is suffering from dementia. He accused me of having men coming to the house, he gets very agitated, he does not eat from me all he does, he's got a driver who he asked to get him take out, he doesn't want me to be involved in his affairs, he's now accusing me of stealing from him, it is si fustrating, I am at my wits end. I can't lead a decent conversation with him. The most amazing thing is that he communicates well with outsiders. Than i find difficult to understand.
saysHello Lovina, thanks for your comment.
We're really sorry to hear this - it must be a very challenging situation to be in.
We'd strongly recommend calling our support line on 0333 150 3456 to speak with one of our trained dementia advisers. They will listen to you and provide specific information, advice and support. You can find more details about the support line (including opening hours over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend) here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line
You may also benefit from joining our online community, Talking Point, where people affected by dementia can share their experiences. You can browse the conversations within the community or sign up for free: https://forum.alzheimers.org.uk
In the meantime, we have information about delusions, paranoia and dementia that you may find useful. It is common for people with dementia to experience delusions (or strongly held false beliefs), which can also take the form of paranoia. Common delusions include theft or believing loved ones are trying to harm them. Read more here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/symptoms-and-diagnosis/del…
We hope this helps for now - and remember to call the support line on 0333 150 3456 if you need someone to talk to, or if you would like more dementia information from Alzheimer's Society.
Alzheimer's Society website team
Martha Jeavons
saysMy husband was diagnosed with LBD at the beginning of the first lockdown, He was a bit forgetful at first ,then he started to have sleepless nights acting out dreams ,rather they were more like nightmares we were being bombed people were trying to kill us some were even more horrible. I took him to the doctors he said it was a water infection. he had medication for it,but of course it didn't work. We had so many sleepless nights,back to the doctors he did a memory test ,Derek answered almost all of the questions. Anyway time went on then he just couldn't have a wee,so I got him to the hospital ,tests were done MRI and CT scan,then we were told he had dementia,
He came home after that it just got worse no sleep properly for 6 weeks,bad nightmares walking about all night hiding things. He was put on medication but it did nothing to help.
He was sent for a DAT scan and this is where it was confirmed he had the LBD. It seemed like there was no warning of the Parkinson's or dementia it was like WHAM BAM there it i
He can't walk properly shuffles and needs help to walk sometimes he forgets how to ,many times can't feed himself hand eye co ordination is none existent. There have been times when he won't eat or drink i use a syringe to get fluids into him He doesn't recognise me most of the time ,calls our son another name,mhe does sometimes ask about our daughter by name . Each day you never know what you are going to get .Yesday was a bad day because of how he gets up and down you can't leave him on his own ,he was constantly getting up and down walking few steps and trying to sit down where there was no seat,this went on from 10am till carers came a 7.30,
I do have a sit twice a week for 3 hours and a all day sit every 2 weeks,I normally spend time with my daughter and granddaughter.
I know this seems more like a essay ,but Derek has gone from a healthy man where he ran about with the kids even when he hit his 70th birthday. Derek is now 74 and he has only had this for 2 years ,but to see his weight loss and his overall health you would think he has had it for years .
Derek is
Tamara Clarke
saysI'm so lost my mum has dlb really hearing voices says it's mental cruelty hallucinations are bad she's so distressed my brothers want to put her in a home..it would break her heart I want to hold on to her as long as I can my dad is so nasty with her no patience he's a gambler so she's affecting his routine he wants her gone it's me against 4 males that don't understand or care 😢
saysTamara, this sounds like a very stressful situation. We'd strongly recommend calling our support line on 0333 150 3456 to speak with one of our trained dementia advisers. They will listen to your situation, and provide specific information, advice and support to help you and your mum.
You can find more details about the support line (including opening hours) here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line
Please remember you are not alone and we are here to support you.
Alzheimer's Society website team
Tiesha lippiatt
saysThis is awful for you.Disgusting behaviour by your father and brothers.I feel for you.Is there no possibility that you can accommodate your mum.Family at times like this whom don’t show no respect makes you wonder why you stuck with them all these years.One day your father might be in the same boot and I would leave it for your brothers to deal with.I’m having to look after my mum whose been diagnosed with vascular dementia and altzimers.I’m not getting any support from my family.My mum bought me up cared for me provided for me now it’s my turn to look after her..Sending hug
Joanne betts
saysMy dad has Parkinson disease with Lewy body dementia he was diagnosed a few months ago so it’s early days Reading other people story’s really helps. Because I feel so lost with it all this may rob him but he will always be my dad x
Nicolle kirk
saysHi thank u for sharing your story ,
It’s similar to mine I detest dementia your 100% right .
My mum had lymphoma stage 4 cancer & had R-chop chemotherapy.
Mum survived 🙏 & beat the awful cancer , but the chemotherapy destroyed her good cells as well as the bad cells .
Heart failure, copd, Lewy body dementia crept in .
I cared for mum for 8 years but the Lewy body dementia kicked in it was awful .
On my birthday this year mum was took in a carehome for rest bite, her hallucinations uncontrollable ,mum would not eat ,mum would lash out .
(It broke me. )
When mum was in rest bite she set fire to the home , mum was assessed & said how on earth have I been coping .
The social asked for a emergency meeting & explained mum is not safe she needed to go in a carehome permanent.
I feel heart broken , guilty, A failure .
I wear a necklace around my neck with my name on so she may remember me .
If mum new what card she would be dealt with I think she would not of had the R-chop chemo treatment.
Mum weighs 6 + stone the dementia is taking over it’s awful to see .
Dementia is so cruel , please look after yourself xxxxxx
Louise Yates
saysHi Nicolle,
Thank you for leaving a comment for me.
My heart goes out to you. I don't know you, but I know one thing without a doubt - you are definitely not a failure. What you have done for your Mum with everything that you have had to go through is nothing short of amazing. If you could have your "old Mum" back she would be so proud of you and so grateful. I know nothing that I can say will stop you from feeling guilty or heartbroken but please, please be kind to yourself and take care. xxxx
Esther Boyd
saysThank you Louise for your story. I also had experience of caring for someone with Lewy Body Dementia - my husband - and I found it a lonely, difficult journey. Since his death I have created a Peer Support service for people affected by LBD called Lewy Buddies UK. As well as personal support, we hold support meetings on Zoom, hosted by RareDementiaSupport at UCL. It’s good to know that people with the diagnosis, and family caters, are not alone.
Louise Yates
saysHello Esther,
Thank you for leaving me a comment.
I cannot imagine what it would be like to care for a partner. I'm so sorry you found it lonely and difficult. You are such an amazing person to turn your negative experience into a positive one for others by creating Lewy Buddies UK. I'm going to look it up! I'm sure your husband would have been so proud of you.
saysMy mom is suffering from Dementia. She is presently at my place as my dad died recently 11 months back. She keeps saying she wants to go back to her home as her prints are ther, but her parents are not there but dead.
My husband doesn't want my mom to stay with us and insist to keep her in a medical care. I can't see that happening as I want her to be with me
I don't knw what to do
saysHi Tricia,
Thanks for your comment and sorry to hear about your mom.
It is quite common for people living with dementia to ask to 'go home' when they are thinking about a particular place or time in their lives. We have an article on this which has some advice that you may find helpful: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/blog/i-want-go-home-what-to-say-to-someon…
The question of where you mum should live can be very difficult. You may find it helpful to speak with one of our dementia advisers. They will be able to learn more about your situation and give advice. You can call our Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456. More details (including opening hours) are available here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line
I hope this is helpful, Tricia.
Alzheimer's Society website team
Tiesha lippiatt
saysI would follow your instincts if you want your mum with you then have her.Your mum might not possibly be with yourselves for long.If you don’t have her staying you could regret it for the rest of your life.You can only but try.I lost my father from suicide 7 years ago and just little things bug me with regret.Now my mum has been diagnosed with dementia and altzimers I’m going to make sure I get this right despite what my partner says.If he has a mum how would he feel.Xx
Caroline Willis
saysEsther I too am caring for my long term partner. At first it was 'just' Parkinsons to deal with but I now realise that LBD is becoming more advanced. I cannot find your support service on line, could you send me a link or contact me in some way? I would be hugely grateful.
Esther Boyd
saysYou can contact the peer support service using the Lewy Buddies UK address: [email protected]
or via [email protected]
or check YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/LBUK-YouTube
I look forward to hearing from you - sent with a smile
Denice Mcdonald
saysI know exactly how you feel, I bought my mum, who is only 65 diagnosed with alzheimers to live with me and my family. Services are very sparce and it takes a very long time to engage with the limited services that are available. I have 2 siblings who take my mum for a few hours when they can. I'm on a waiting list for a social services assessment. We have faced and are facing very difficult times and situations within our own family and some days I will just burst into tears several times a day. Each day is physically tiring , it's mentally draining and a complete emotional roller coster. It can of course be very rewarding and the good moments are amazing and priceless and remind you why you are doing what you're doing.
I wish you and your family well and I hope you all manage a lovely Christmas and New year.
Louise Yates
saysHello Denice,
Thank you so much for leaving me a comment. I'm so sorry your Mum has been diagnosed at such an early age.
I know just what you mean about all the tears! My Mum had a little dog who died a few weeks after Dad, so I bought her some guinea pigs as I knew they would be safe when Mum was on her own. At the moment they are in the garage as it is cold outside. I spend so much time out there crying with them and giving them a cuddle. I think they help me as much as Mum.
I hope your social services assessment comes through soon and that you benefit from it.
I also wish you lots more priceless moments. Take care and don't forget to be kind to yourself.
Karen Ellis
saysI can empathise with your situation. My mum had Lewy Body dementia with awful hallucinations. My dad tried his best to care for her but she kept accusing him of all sorts of things, throwing him out of the house, angry and agitated. Eventually she was admitted to a secure unit, sectioned a few times and finally discharged to a nursing home on a mix of medication. Thankfully mum went through a more content stage for a couple of years and died peacefully after 5 years of torment in October.
My dad was diagnosed with vascular dementia a year ago and is still able to live independently.
You're right that it doesn't just affect the person with the diagnosis but those close to the person and alienates friends.
I pray constantly for a treatment/cure or something to make dementia have less of an impact to those affected.
Louise Yates
saysHello Karen,
Thank you so much for leaving me a comment. My heart goes out to you. It's so harrowing to have one parent suffer from dementia, let alone two. I know that everyone's dementia journey is unique so I hope beyond hope that your Dad's one is not such a dreadful one. I hope, like you that we continue to learn how to understand dementia in order to help find a cure. It's people like you who will help this to happen. Take care
saysDear Louise, thank you for taking the time to share your story which I know will help and encourage others who may be struggling with their own journeys of caring for a loved one. My own mum died of an eventual stroke after living bed bound in my home for 4 months not understanding who we were but knowing we loved her. The reason I know this is because after spending 6 weeks in hospital following her previous stroke she was beginning to shut down. I knew she wouldn’t survive long in an unknown environment so decided to take her home and care for her myself. Within days she came alive again, looking around and responding and eating again.
My message to you is even though your mum may be unable to express her gratitude please know without doubt that in her heart she loves you more than you know. What you are doing for her is quite remarkable, against all the challenges you face you are still there for her. I wish you strength and resilience to get through this most difficult time, be proud of yourself, it is the greatest gift we can ever give a parent. You are a wonderful lady ❤️
Louise Yates
saysHello Aleks,
Thank you so much for your lovely comment. It meant the world to me and has helped to give me strength. I am so sorry that you lost your Mum. What you were able to do for her must be such a comfort to you. What an amazing person you are. You are right that the bond between a parent and son/daughter is a unique and special one - you were the best person to know how to care for your lovely Mum. She proved this with the way she responded to you. Take care
Sally Pillinger
saysThank you for sharing your experience Louise. Having cared for my mum 8 years ago when she was living with dementia, I can't begin to imagine how difficult it must have been for you during lockdown with little outside support. We never had a diagnosis of which type of dementia my mum had, but, like you, I am now convinced she had Lewy Bodies. She was also sectioned, so I can empathise with your experiences. I also think my mum was drugged so much (understandably so) that her heart failed. Now really is the time to care for yourself, not so you can look after others, but just because you deserve it. Stay strong - you are amazing.
Louise Yates
saysHello Sally,
Thank you so much for your lovely comment. It meant the world to me. I am so very sorry to hear about what happened with your Mum. My heart goes out to you. Take care
Johanne Hazell
saysThank you Louise for sharing your personal story about caring for your Mum who is living with dementia . I feel that it gives a real insight into how such a diagnosis can affect not only the person living with dementia but also those closest to them , who love and support them.
It is good to hear how the Alzheimer’s Society has helped you and your Mum with the various support groups available. You are truly amazing Louise. Lovely photos of you both.
saysYou have written so honestly Louise, and your caring nature really shines through. Your Mum is really fortunate to have such a caring daughter, and even if she doesn’t or can’t express her thanks, she wouldn’t be able to cope without your constant help. The Alzheimer’s Society feels like a strong security net, and they are wonderful at suggesting solutions to the many problems Carers face. Keep smiling Louise.