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News Hollyoaks' heartbreaking frontotemporal dementia storyline Alzheimer’s Society has supported Channel 4’s Hollyoaks on a dementia storyline with the character Luke Morgan. Actor Gabriel Clark, who plays Luke’s son Ollie, shares how this emotional storyline has impacted characters within the family on the show. Alzheimer’s Society has supported Channel 4’s Hollyoaks on a dementia storyline with the character Luke Morgan. Actor Gabriel Clark, who plays Luke’s son Ollie, shares how this emotional storyline has impacted characters within the family on the show. ... 26 April 2022 0comments.
Real stories My photography project inspired by my grandma's dementia Kyra's grandma, Winifred, has been a huge influence on her. Kyra shares how the close bond with her grandma, as well as her experience of dementia, has shaped her life and photography work. Kyra's grandma, Winifred, has been a huge influence on her. Kyra shares how the close bond with her grandma, as well as her experience of dementia, has shaped her life and photography work. ... 08 April 2022 11comments.
News Holby City’s dementia storyline shows the complex emotions after a diagnosis Alzheimer’s Society has supported BBC’s Holby City on a dementia storyline featuring much-loved character, Carole Copeland. Alzheimer’s Society has supported BBC’s Holby City on a dementia storyline featuring much-loved character, Carole Copeland. ... 15 November 2021 6comments.
Real stories Art therapy helps my grandmother with her dementia and my autism James is a young artist with autism who helps to care for his grandmother, Joan. She moved in with James and his mum when the first coronavirus lockdown made Joan isolated and confused. Now Joan, who has vascular dementia, and James are regularly enjoying artistic activities together and both benefit from them. James is a young artist with autism who helps to care for his grandmother, Joan. She moved in with James and his mum when the first coronavirus lockdown made Joan isolated and confused. Now Joan, who has vascular dementia, and James are regularly enjoying artistic activities together and both benefit from them. ... 20 September 2021 3comments.
Advice Enjoying reading to help keep dementia at bay We ask people about how they keep active and well, whether they have dementia or not. This issue, we hear about reading books, news and more. We ask people about how they keep active and well, whether they have dementia or not. This issue, we hear about reading books, news and more. ... 30 July 2021
News Supernova's director Harry Macqueen on the film's touching depiction of dementia Supernova is a heartfelt modern love story from writer and director Harry Macqueen. In this romantic drama, actors Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci portray a couple dealing with the young-onset diagnosis of Posterior Cortical Atrophy (PCA). Supernova is a heartfelt modern love story from writer and director Harry Macqueen. In this romantic drama, actors Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci portray a couple dealing with the young-onset diagnosis of Posterior Cortical Atrophy (PCA). ... 09 July 2021 1comment.
Information Tag: Information. A book for children and a practical, one-stop guide to dementia From the May 2015 issue of our magazine, Janet Baylis, Manager of the Society's Dementia Knowledge Centre, reviews a children's book and a one-stop guide. Read more
Information Tag: Information. An evocative novel set in Malaysia, and an invitation to read The little girl in the radiator From the October/November 2015 issue of our magazine, carers in Kent share their thoughts on an evocative novel set in Malaysia, and we invite you to read The little girl in the radiator for our next issue. Read more
Research Tag: Research. The arts can help people living with dementia Read more about how the arts can help people living with dementia. Read more
Information Booklets about sensory changes and supporting a deaf person, and new films featuring dementia New, useful and interesting dementia resources. New, useful and interesting dementia resources. ... 01 February 2021
Real stories Caring culture: Museums reaching out to people with dementia Museums are finding creative new ways to stay engaged with people who have dementia during the pandemic. Museums are finding creative new ways to stay engaged with people who have dementia during the pandemic. ... 01 December 2020
Real stories ‘Making a new language’: How music and culture can widen the conversation on dementia Ronald Amanze has often felt culturally misunderstood when receiving dementia support. Inspired by Black history and the reggae music that shaped his early years, Ronald explains how culture can be a special tool to get people talking about dementia. Ronald Amanze has often felt culturally misunderstood when receiving dementia support. Inspired by Black history and the reggae music that shaped his early years, Ronald explains how culture can be a special tool to get people talking about dementia. ... 08 October 2020 6comments.