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Advice Why I enjoy games and puzzles: How can playing games and doing puzzles help us to stay well? We ask about the different ways people keep healthy and well, whether they have dementia or not. This time, we hear how games and puzzles help six readers. We ask about the different ways people keep healthy and well, whether they have dementia or not. This time, we hear how games and puzzles help six readers. ... 31 January 2020
News Tag: News. Word and number puzzles improve adult cognitive function Older adults who regularly take part in word and number puzzles have sharper brains, according to the largest online study to date. Read more
News Tag: News. 'Stay positive to boost brain health in old age' - Alzheimer's Society comment Think positively to keep your brain healthy and lower the risk of dementia in older age, experts have said. A new report by the Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH) suggests feeling good and being emotionally well is linked with better brain health among over-50s. Read more
News Tag: News. Regular problem-solving does not protect against mental decline - Alzheimer's Society comment Read our comment regarding the recent news that problem-solving games may not protect against a decline in mental capacity. Read more
Real stories Tag: Real stories. A woman with dementia determined to stay connected despite a lack of local opportunities From the April 2015 issue of our magazine, in some areas there are few opportunities to meet other people with dementia and stay active. Fiona Madden speaks to a woman determined to remain busy despite one group coming to an end. Read more
News Tag: News. Study claims that computerised ‘brain training’ reduces dementia risk, Alzheimer’s Society comment Results from a ten year study have hinted that a type of brain training designed to train people’s thinking speed could reduce dementia risk. Read more
Research The growing popularity of brain training Find out more about how computer games can help improve thinking skills. Find out more about how computer games can help improve thinking skills. ... 01 March 2017 0comments.