Brain stimulation study seeks people with Alzheimer’s or mild cognitive impairment

People living with Alzheimer’s are helping researchers to test a brain stimulation technique that could lead to future treatments. 

Even the most exciting technological developments need the participation of people with lived experience if they’re to succeed in the real world. 

Nir Grossman, a researcher at the UK Dementia Research Institute, is pushing the bounds of what’s possible in treating the diseases that cause dementia. Yet he underlines how the impact of his team’s work depends on insights they gain from people living with dementia. 

‘As well as people participating in the study, we’ve also had workshops to hear from patients, carers and families,’ he says. 

Non-invasive headset in development

Nir’s team is developing a headset that can stimulate areas deep within the brain without using anything invasive, such as surgical implants. 

We need to know – if we’re going to succeed in this – what people’s concerns are, what their expectations are. Their input has been very, very helpful for us.

The prize-winning innovation behind Nir’s research is called temporal interference (TI) brain stimulation. This uses harmless electric fields, precisely targeted to affect what cells in specific parts of the brain are doing. 

‘The particular structure in the brain we are interested in is called the hippocampus,’ says Nir. ‘This area is pivotal for the operation of our memory and other functions.’ 

Nir Grossman and Nigel Whiteley

Researcher Nir and volunteer Nigel.

Having already proved the technique is safe to use, Nir’s team is testing TI in people with either mild cognitive impairment or early stage Alzheimer’s

Memory loss is a common initial symptom of Alzheimer’s because the disease usually affects the hippocampus and connected areas first. The idea is to use TI to regulate the activity of brain cells in ways that help them to function well for longer. 

The study is seeing how TI could help people’s dementia symptoms – reducing how much it affects their memory and thinking. However, in the longer term, Nir hopes it could eventually offer more than this. 

Our vision is to create a disease-modifying intervention that not just improves the symptoms, but really changes the course of the disease.

Opportunity to take part in research

Nigel Whiteley heard about the opportunity to take part in Nir’s study through Join Dementia Research. Through this programme, you can register to hear about studies that are looking for people like you. 

‘Research work was something I myself had done in a London hospital decades ago,’ says Nigel, who now has Alzheimer’s. ‘I know the importance of research. 

‘I soon realised that I was just the right type of person these researchers were looking for.’ 

Taking part involves Nigel doing memory and thinking tests while his brain cells are stimulated. 

It’s interesting to learn a bit about what the researchers can see on a screen, which indicates to them what is going on in a part of my brain as I carry out various tests.

No reservations about volunteering

Although it takes time and concentration – and occasionally feels repetitive – Nigel understands that it’s the only way to make progress. 

‘Having done research work myself, I know that it is essential to repeat a test in the same way as before, except for changing just one thing each time.’ 

Nir’s study is looking for more participants, and Nigel has no reservations about encouraging others to see how they could help. 

‘If you can set aside the time to be a “guinea pig” in research work on Alzheimer’s disease, then do volunteer. 

How else can we find a potential cure, unless we volunteer to give our time and efforts for research?

Research needs you

Call 0333 150 3456 and ask for the Join Dementia Research helpdesk or email [email protected]


Dementia together magazine

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Thank you for the interesting item about the Hippocampus stimulation technique being investigated which appears to be much the same as the self management technique I have been exploring using a Kariokia mike to fully engage emotional self moivation, and would be interested to know if the study is or would consider a comparison study of targeting personal emotions as expressed in suitable song choice ? respectfully Terry roy (diagnosed OAP researcher)
My husband was put off by the term ‘temporal interference’ - just thought to let you know in case another term might be more conducive to others.
I have been a member of Alzheimer's Research for a little over 12 months following a self instigated diagnosis of Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease. I still have full mental capacity (with recent written GP confirmation) I am driving, albeit with a 12 month Licence, as it is a legal requirement to inform the DVLA once this diagnosis has been made. I cared for my mother who died from Vascular Dementia last year. Knowing exactly what I am facing I am anxious to do everything possible to participate in research to find effective treatment for this horrible condition. I have no living family or support network so am unable to attend research studies in person as I am considered unsuitable without accompaniment. Whilst I understand the reason for this as it is easy to overestimate ones capabilities. I believe I have more to offer than filling in in online studies. I find it frustrating that I can't do more to help.
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