Indoor games for people with dementia

We share ideas to help a person with dementia still take part in board and card games.

Playing snakes and ladders

It can become harder for someone to take part in board and card games as their dementia progresses, but there may be ways to keep everyone involved.

Some games, such as dominoes, Connect 4, shove ha’penny or Jenga, might involve abilities that a person still has.

Others can be adapted or played with rules that are more straightforward or a teammate’s support. Try making as many words as possible from randomly selected Scrabble tiles, linking them in a crossword shape for an extra challenge. Simplify Monopoly by agreeing set numbers of notes to do things like buy property or pay rent, ignoring the denominations.

Many people find jigsaws absorbing. As well as selecting suitable numbers and sizes of pieces, you can also order a personalised jigsaw using a meaningful photo that you provide.

Make a ‘feely box’ that people can stick their hands into to guess what’s inside, such as soap or a pine cone. 

Fill small containers with different herbs or toiletries so people can close their eyes and guess the smell.

Next steps

Dementia together magazine: Dec 17/Jan 18

Dementia together magazine is for everyone in the dementia movement and anyone affected by the condition.
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Dementia together magazine is for everyone in the dementia movement and anyone affected by the condition.
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