Arts and culture

Read some ideas from Dementia together magazine about continuing to enjoy the arts and cultural activities.

Dementia-friendly arts, culture and heritage

A museum visit

Enjoying the arts and cultural activities can be an important part of life, including for many people with dementia. Although there may be barriers and challenges, an increasing number of venues recognise how they can involve people affected by dementia.

Some theatres and cinemas provide ‘relaxed’ performances and screenings, sometimes specifically for people with dementia. These might have adapted sound and lighting, and an atmosphere where it’s okay for audience members to move around and talk.

More museums, galleries and heritage sites are offering special tours, events and hands-on experiences for groups including people with dementia. The second National Museums and Wellbeing Week, 6–12 March, might be a particularly good time to look out for these.

It may be worth contacting a venue even if they haven’t publicised dementia-specific events. They might offer other activities that could still be helpful, or they may be able to adapt how they work for you. You could also refer them to Becoming a dementia-friendly arts venue: A practical guide.

Next steps

Dementia together magazine: Feb/March 17

Dementia together magazine is for everyone in the dementia movement and anyone affected by the condition.
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Dementia together magazine is for everyone in the dementia movement and anyone affected by the condition.
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