Developing new dementia services

Read some examples of organisations that have used research to inform integration of services, so they can enable people to live better for longer in the community.

Commissioners co-producing recommendations for integrated care using Dementia NHS Well Pathway - Norfolk STP 

Over 100 people affected by dementia involved in activities based around the NHS Well Pathway for Dementia and the Dementia Statements

Dementia Connect development

Evaluation involving people with dementia and carers informing learning to develop a new service for delivery in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Help more people live well in the community, Essex: Groups

Increasing feedback and responsiveness to it has led to more people with dementia being able to continue being active in their local communities. 

Live well with dementia programme

Adapting a generic course to become a programme to help a wide range of people adjust to life with a diagnosis of dementia. 

Mapping the Dementia Diagnosis Journey to improve self-guided support 

Digital user experience project at Alzheimer's Society. 

Peer befriending in a range of settings - Re Connect, Gloucestershire

Helping people with dementia to live well and avoid the need to use hospital and other services more than necessary.

Service innovation to close gaps in provision: Dementia Allies, Canterbury

People with dementia highlighted gaps in provision to their NHS Trust, then worked with them and Alzheimer's Society on creating a solution. 

Setting up DEEP peer support groups in Shropshire

Alzheimer's Society working with DEEP to enable more people to live better with dementia across a rural area through peer support.

How to measure the experience of people with dementia

Get advice and tips on how to measure the experience of people with dementia, including help with recruitment and research methods.

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