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Research Could you help test apps designed to support people with dementia? New apps provide one way to help people with dementia stay well, and they need volunteers to test them. New apps provide one way to help people with dementia stay well, and they need volunteers to test them. ... 29 November 2024 0comments.
Research Researchers need people like you to help find new dementia treatments New dementia drugs can only be developed with the help of people who volunteer to take part in research. New dementia drugs can only be developed with the help of people who volunteer to take part in research. ... 01 October 2024 2comments.
Research What is lecanemab? Lecanemab, also known as Leqembi, has made headlines as the first drug ever approved in the UK by the MHRA that can slow down early-stage Alzheimer’s disease, but it has not been recommended for use in the NHS at this stage. Here is what we know so far. Lecanemab, also known as Leqembi, has made headlines as the first drug ever approved in the UK by the MHRA that can slow down early-stage Alzheimer’s disease, but it has not been recommended for use in the NHS at this stage. Here is what we know so far. ... 22 August 2024
Research Brain stimulation study seeks people with Alzheimer’s or mild cognitive impairment People living with Alzheimer’s are helping researchers to test a brain stimulation technique that could lead to future treatments. People living with Alzheimer’s are helping researchers to test a brain stimulation technique that could lead to future treatments. ... 01 August 2024 3comments.
Research Researching drugs for dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease dementia A new trial called COBALT is looking for people with dementia with Lewy bodies or Parkinson’s disease dementia to see if using two drugs together could help improve their symptoms. A new trial called COBALT is looking for people with dementia with Lewy bodies or Parkinson’s disease dementia to see if using two drugs together could help improve their symptoms. ... 31 May 2024 3comments.
Research Research into better diagnosis of dementia needs volunteers – people like you Getting an early and accurate dementia diagnosis will only become more important as new treatments become available, so research into this area is vital. Getting an early and accurate dementia diagnosis will only become more important as new treatments become available, so research into this area is vital. ... 28 March 2024 1comment.
Research Dementia researchers need volunteers to help find human solutions Important as they are, drugs and technology aren’t the only ways to make a difference for people living with dementia – could you help? Important as they are, drugs and technology aren’t the only ways to make a difference for people living with dementia – could you help? ... 31 January 2024 2comments.
Research Testing new technology to help people with dementia remain independent Hear from volunteers helping to research new technology which could enable people with dementia to remain independent for longer. Hear from volunteers helping to research new technology which could enable people with dementia to remain independent for longer. ... 01 December 2023
Research A defining moment for dementia research – and how you could help With recent hopeful drug findings, Sharon Boulter, Research Participation Officer, looks at taking part in clinical trials. With recent hopeful drug findings, Sharon Boulter, Research Participation Officer, looks at taking part in clinical trials. ... 29 September 2023
Research Become a dementia research volunteer and change the future We need research to change how dementia affects people’s lives, and researchers need volunteers. We need research to change how dementia affects people’s lives, and researchers need volunteers. ... 01 August 2023
Information Tag: Information. What we think about dementia research Read about our position on dementia research and the changes we want to see around recruitment, funding and support. Read more
Research Tag: Research. Take part in dementia research Breakthroughs in dementia research are happening faster than ever. Research needs volunteers like you to keep this progress going. You can make a difference to the future of dementia care, diagnosis and treatment. Read more