Drugs that lower blood pressure and cholesterol may not improve thinking and memory

While drugs that lower blood pressure and cholesterol have been shown to be beneficial for heart health, a new study from Neurology has found that two such drugs may not provide a similar benefit to the brain.

Dr James Pickett, Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Society, said:

'We can’t cure, prevent or even slow down dementia so it’s vital we look into all factors that could reduce our chance of developing the condition, including looking after our heart health. 

'Although the effect was seen only in a small group of people, this research suggests bringing high blood pressure down to a healthy level later in life could help to slow down the decline in your memory and thinking skills. What it doesn’t tell us is whether this could also reduce our risk of developing dementia. 

'We know already what’s good for the heart is good for the brain, but we need more in depth research to unpick how managing our heart health later in life could affect our risk of dementia. We’re investing half a million into research to understand the link between the heart and the brain to bring us closer to ways to slow, stop, or prevent dementia altogether.'