Dementia-friendly heritage sites guide

Visiting heritage sites is one of the top activities that people with dementia enjoy doing. The importance of heritage sites increases as we get older, as a place to relax, recover and engage with the environment around us.

People using ipads at the Historic Royal Palace

Sensory experience with tablets at Historic Royal Palace.

Download the Dementia-friendly heritage guide

This free resource is full of tips and advice for any size of organisation

Download the guide

To help heritage sites get started on becoming dementia-friendly organisations, this guide contains information about how dementia affects people’s experience of interacting with heritage.


It also provides tips, guidance and signposting to help heritage sites become more dementia-friendly, as well as successful case studies of organisations in the sector.


We recognise that the heritage sector is incredibly diverse and there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach.  You are therefore encouraged to tailor the best practice guidance to your site in order to define what dementia-friendly looks like for your organisation.


By developing an understanding of dementia, you can make a huge difference to people affected by dementia.

This guide is for staff working across the heritage sector, no matter what the size of your organisation.

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