The Big Win New Year Raffle is open!

  • Just £1 per chance
  • Over 1,000 prizes to be won
  • A whopping £15,000 jackpot!
  • Support people living with dementia

You could be the winner of our whopping £15,000 jackpot, just imagine what a difference that could make to your year. The holidays, the home improvements, the family get togethers – make 2025 your best year yet! 

Text reading The Big Win New Year Raffle surrounded by confetti. Our Raffle mascot "Big Winnie" (shaped like a bingo ball with a smile and thumbs up) stands by the text.

Take part in our New Year Raffle!

For just £1 per ticket you could win big at the start of 2025 all while supporting people living with dementia.

The New Year Raffle will close on Thursday 20 March 2025 at 23:59 and winners will be drawn on Friday 21 March 2025.

Golden Big Winnie

Become a Super Subscriber!

  • Subscribe to our quarterly Big Win Raffle and you’ll never miss a chance to win £15,000! 
  • Over 5,400 cash prizes to win annually
  • Automatic entry into every raffle and every speedy player draw
  • No more paper work to complete 
  • Alzheimer's Society save money meaning more money goes to help people living with dementia
Have you won the Light Up Christmas Raffle?
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Enter now to be in with the chance of winning BIG!

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The Alzheimer’s Society Big Win Weekly Lottery, Big Win Super Draws and Raffles are licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission under the Gambling Act 2005 ( Operating account number: 34971. 

Promoter:  Alzheimer’s Society, 43-44 Crutched Friars, London, EC3N 2AE

Registered Charity Number 296645 and registered as a company limited by guarantee (with company number 2115499)

Responsible Person: Alex Hyde-Smith

All profits from the Alzheimer’s Society Big Win Weekly Lottery, Big Win Super Draws And Raffles will be used to fund the Alzheimer’s Society’s vital work.

The following Terms and Conditions apply to the Big Win Weekly Lottery, Big Win Super Draws and Raffles:

  1. Your purchase of Alzheimer’s Society Big Win Weekly Lottery, Big Win Super Draw and Raffle entries is from Alzheimer’s Society (“The Promoter”), solely in accordance with the terms under which the Charity from time to time promotes its lotteries.
  2. You represent and agree that; a) You are 18 years of age or over. b) You will not buy or purport to buy an entry to this lottery on behalf of anybody under the age of 18. c) You will provide accurate entry information, including your name, personal address, email address and telephone number and accept that it is your responsibility to keep us informed of any changes as soon as they arise.
  3. You agree that you shall not be entitled to receive any prize if you are unable to substantiate to the Promoter your representations under paragraph 2 a) and b) above. Alzheimer’s Society will conduct spot checks on a number of winners from each draw, whereby winners will be required to prove proof of age by documentation (e.g. copy of passport or driving licence).
  4. Entry is open to residents of mainland Great Britain and Northern Ireland only (this excludes Isle of Man and the Channel Islands). Licence holders and Alzheimer’s Society employees directly involved in the running of the lottery are excluded. (List of names available on request).
  5. You accept that the Alzheimer’s Society Big Win Weekly Lottery, Big Win Super Draws and Raffles are licensed and regulated by the Gambling Commission and that in certain circumstances, Alzheimer’s Society may be unable to provide refunds or replacements once you have purchased your entry(s).
  6. The prizes for the Alzheimer’s Society Big Win Weekly Lottery, Big Win Super Draws and Raffles are printed on the marketing and promotional materials provided and are advertised on the Alzheimer’s Society website ( There are no alternatives to any prize and no interest is payable. Prizes will be paid by cheque and posted to the winners within 30 days of the draw taking place. Entrants will be notified as to any change in the prize structure.
  7. The cost of each entry is £1 per play. Players may purchase more than one entry and payment must be made in advance by one of the methods permitted.
  8. The Promoter may (without giving any reason or notice at its absolute discretion) decline to accept an application, cancel an existing subscription, or terminate or suspend the schemes.
  9. The Promoter will conduct the Weekly Lottery draw, Super Draws and Raffle every Friday. The draw will be made utilising a Random Number Generator (RNG) that has been tested and approved by an independent, Gambling Commission approved, third-party test house.
  10. The winning numbers will be published on the Alzheimer’s Society website ( and will be available via the Lottery Helpline from the following working day. 01524 753238 (Mon-Fri 9.00am – 5.00pm).
  11. No liability is accepted for the loss, theft or delayed receipt of any communication.
  12. The Promoter is not responsible for any delay in bank payments.
  13. Any cancellation of an existing subscription will not affect your prior purchase of Lottery, Super Draw and Raffle entries nor your rights as a holder of such entries, providing that you have complied with the foregoing obligations.
  14. The Promoter’s decisions made pursuant to the Rules shall, once made, be final and binding.
  15. You may be asked for a quote and photograph for marketing purposes.
  16. The Promoter reserves the right to use winner’s names for promotional purposes. These will only be used in summary e.g. Mr D from Peckham.
  17. Alzheimer’s Society is not liable for any lost, stolen, delayed, incomplete or illegible entries, or entries that reach us after the closing date, or for any delay in bank payments. Proof of posting is not proof of delivery.
  18. Prizes will be automatically paid out to the winners by cheque, using the contact details provided. There is no need to contact Alzheimer’s Society
  19. Alzheimer’s Society is committed to ensure that information about how to gamble responsibly and how to access information and help in respect of problem gambling is readily available to all. Please refer to the Alzheimer’s website ( or request further information by calling the Lottery Helpline on 01524 753238
  20. In 2023 £3,495,785 was raised from ticket sales in our Big Win Lotteries and Big Win Super Draws, with 5.17% spent on prizes, 74.75% was re-invested into growing our lottery programme so it can raise even more for good causes in the future, and 20.08% being used to fund the work of the Alzheimer's Society (based on the Lottery Submissions made by Alzheimer's Society to the Gambling Commission, during the 2023 calendar year). This translated to a fantastic £701,987.47! In 2023, the likelihood of winning a prize was, on average, 1 in 257 in our regular Big Win Lotteries and 1 in 449 in our Quarterly Big Win Super draws.
  21. Alzheimer’s Society operates a Complaints and Disputes Procedure which is available via the Alzheimer’s Society website ( or upon request by telephone the Lottery Helpline on 01524 753238
  22. Alzheimer's Society will keep your data secure. We never sell your personal data and will not share it with other companies unless it is necessary to provide you with information or a service that you have requested from us. We may use your information to contact you in the future about Alzheimer's Society's activities, including fundraising. If you would prefer not to receive communications from us, please let us know by contacting us at Alzheimer's Society, Suite 2, 1st Floor, East Wing, Plumer House, Tailyour Road, Plymouth, Pl6 5DH or call us on 0330 333 0804.
  23. These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

The following terms and conditions apply to the Alzheimer’s Society Weekly Lottery New Players’ Free Gift Draw

  1. Entrants in the New Players Free Gift Draw must be 18 years and over.
  2. Anyone who signs up to join the Alzheimer’s Society Weekly Lottery for the first time will be automatically entered into the New Players’ Free Gift Draw held on the Friday of the week following Alzheimer’s Society’s receipt of payment for their first Weekly Lottery Entry.
  3. Cash gifts of £5 will be awarded to 90% of all entrants.
  4. The draws will be held utilising a random number generator that has been tested and approved by an independent, Gambling Commission approved third-party test house.
  5. The gift recipient’s details will be available via the Alzheimer’s Society’s Weekly Lottery helpline from the following working day. Please telephone 01524 753238 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm).
  6. There are no alternatives to gifts and no interest is payable.
  7. There is no need to claim any of the gifts. The £5 gift cheques will be posted out direct to the recipients by Royal Mail 2nd class post, within 7 days of the draw taking place.
  8. No liability is accepted for the loss, theft or delayed receipt of any communication.
  9. The Promoter may (without giving any reason or notice) decline to accept an application or terminate or suspend the scheme.
  10. The Promoter reserves the right to use gift recipient names for promotional purposes. These will only be used in summary e.g. Mr Smith from Peckham.
  11. The Promoter’s decisions made pursuant to the Rules shall, once made, be final and binding.

The following Terms and Conditions apply to Big Win Super Draws and Raffles only:

  1. Players may purchase more than one entry and payment may be made online, over the phone or by post.
  2. Payment for participation in the Big Win Super Draw and/or Raffle can be made by cheque payable to 'Alzheimer's Society', or debit card.
  3. Big Win Super Draw and Raffle tickets will be entered into the draw when the whole payment for all tickets for the relevant draw is received.
  4. Alzheimer's Society accepts no responsibility for Big Win Super Draw and/or Raffle tickets which are lost, damaged, illegible or from which the prize-winner cannot be identified, or for any technical failure or event which may cause the lottery to be disrupted or corrupted.
  5. Any payments received after the closing date will be considered as donations to Alzheimer's Society.
  6. Winners will be notified by post, email or telephone no later than two weeks after the draw date. A list of winners will also be published at within two weeks of the draw date.
  7. Where Alzheimer's Society is unable to contact a prize-winner so that a prize remains unclaimed for six months following Alzheimer's Society's first attempt to notify the prize-winner, Alzheimer's Society may apply the prize as it sees fit, including by re-offering the prize in future Big Win Super Draws and/or Raffles.
  8. All winners are required to co-operate with Alzheimer's Society's right to publish their win as and where deemed appropriate, and to provide proof of age when requested.

Requests for additional Big Win Super Draw and/or Raffle tickets, requests to be removed from future Big Win Super Draw and/or Raffle mailings, or any concerns about this Big Win Super Draw and/or Raffle should be addressed to:
Alzheimer's Society, Suite 2, 1st Floor, East Wing, Plumer House, Tailyour Road, Plymouth, PL6 5DH

In the event of an error, howsoever caused, whether a printing error or otherwise and whether obvious or otherwise, which affects the competition in any way, the organisers reserve the right to administer the Super Draw and/or Raffle as though the error had not occurred. Where the organisers deem it appropriate and/or feasible Alzheimer's Society will notify entrants of the error. Names of winners and results of the Super Draw and/or Raffle will be available on receipt of a request to:
Alzheimer's Society, Suite 2, 1st Floor, East Wing, Plumer House, Tailyour Road, Plymouth, PL6 5DH

Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in the disqualification of the entry. Organisers reserve the right to disqualify any entry at their absolute discretion.

The Big Win Weekly Lottery TV:

By texting WIN to 87080 you are agreeing to us contacting you by phone and SMS to tell you more about our weekly lottery and how you can play to beat dementia.

You will be charged one message at your standard network rate.

To opt out of other future comms, text OPTOUT to 70567.

  • Entrants in the Cancellation Draw must be 18 years and over.
  • Anyone who returns our cancellation survey via the post will be automatically entered into the Cancellation Draw to win one £50 Marks and Spencer voucher.
  • The draw opens for entries on the first day of each financial quarter, so months April, July, October and January; and closes on the last day of each financial quarter, so months June, September, December and March; with the draw taking place the following working day.
  • The draws will be held utilising a random number generator that has been tested and approved by an independent, Gambling Commission approved third-party test house.
  • There are no alternatives to gifts and no interest is payable.
  • There is no need to claim your prize. Vouchers will be posted out direct to recipients by Royal Mail 2nd class post, within 7 days of the draw taking place.
  • No liability is accepted for the loss, theft or delayed receipt of any communication.
  • The Promoter may (without giving any reason or notice) decline to accept an application or terminate or suspend the scheme.
  • The Alzheimer’s Society has no formal affiliation with Marks & Spencer.
  • The Promoter’s decisions made pursuant to the Rules shall, once made, be final and binding.

Alzheimer's Society is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission under account number 34971. Promoter: Alzheimer's Society, 43-44 Crutched Friars, London, EC3N 2AE. Responsible Person: Alex Hyde-Smith. £1 per entry. Must be 18 or over to play. Underage gambling is an offence. All proceeds to Alzheimer's Society. Full terms and conditions are available here.

In 2022 £2,396,108 was raised from ticket sales in our Big Win Lotteries and Big Win Super Draws, with 7.29% spent on prizes, 72.62% was re-invested into growing our lottery programme so it can raise even more for good causes in the future, and 20.10% being used to fund the work of the Alzheimer's Society (based on the Lottery Submissions made by Alzheimer's Society to the Gambling Commission, during the 2022 calendar year). This translated to a fantastic £481,564!

In 2022, the likelihood of winning a prize was, on average, 1 in 171 in our regular Big Win Lotteries and 1 in 385 in our Quarterly Big Win Super draws.

Profits from the Alzheimer’s Society Big Win Lottery may fund grants for research projects that are relevant to people affect by dementia and fit within our funding remit that is organised into two streams: Biomedical research and Care, Implementation and public health research. Information on how grants are awarded can be found at

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If you feel you have a problem with gambling visit or call the National Gambling Helpline on 0808 8020 133