Registration form for the recognition process for Dementia Friendly Communities in Northern Ireland

We ask for your details in order to contact you, keep you up-to-date and send further information.


To find out more about how we use your personal information, please read our supporter privacy statement.


Is the area becoming dementia friendly best described as one community (such as one town or one area) or an initiative that is spread across areas?
Is this community best described as predominantly rural, village, town, city or mixed?
Does your community have a local dementia action alliance?
Is your community already in the process of becoming a dementia friendly community?
Please confirm that your community intends to (1) Work towards the foundation criteria (2) Provide a short update on progress and next steps at 6 months (3) Complete an annual self-assessment required before the anniversary of your registration (4) Commit to the terms and conditions of use for the 'working to become dementia friendly symbol'