Carer Information and Support Programme
Read about our Carer Information and Support Programme (CrISP), providing support and relevant information in a group environment.

Our Carer Information and Support Programme (CrISP) provides support and up-to-date, relevant information in a group environment, where carers can share experiences and find out about local and national services that can offer support.
The programme is run in a series of sessions which offers carers the opportunity to share experiences in a confidential and friendly environment with others in a similar situation.
Our trained staff and volunteers run the sessions to ensure carers get the most out of the programme and can provide further information and support.
The key benefits of the programme:
- Enabling carers to have increased knowledge of dementia.
- Providing carers with practical information that they can use in coping with living with dementia day-to-day.
- Help carers to feel better informed and less isolated.
- Empowering carers to access support services and financial benefits and entitlements.
- Enabling carers to plan with and for the person they care for, now and in the future.
Comments from carers who attended CrISP:
'All the sessions have provided me with so much more knowledge and just what is out there. It is very easy to feel isolated when you are a carer. I have now seen there is support out there, and it is not necessary to feel like that.'
‘I feel I can cope better now and although I have learnt the journey of dementia is different for each individual, I feel more prepared for what I may have to face in the future. I found the programme helped in many ways and particularly in gaining a better understanding of dementia and how to cope on a day-to-day basis. I have learnt not to be afraid to ask for help and that it is important to take care of myself in order to manage the care of my husband.’
What's in my area?
To find out if there is a CrISP programme near you, check our online services directory for details of local services in your area.