Dementia-friendly tourism guide

Download the free practical guide for tourism businesses to become more dementia-friendly. 

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Dementia-friendly tourism guide: this free resource by Visit Britain is full of tips and advice for all businesses involved with tourism in the UK

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We have supported VisitEngland and VisitScotland to launch a new guide to help tourism businesses become more dementia-friendly.

Visiting attractions and staying in accommodation can be challenging for people with dementia, their carers, and loved ones. 

Ensuring a great holiday can be extremely rewarding for a business and can help people with dementia to live well.


The guide aims to support businesses of all sizes to become more dementia-friendly through top tips, case studies and signposting to further resources. It highlights the need for increasing awareness and improving physical environments.


Employers will also experience many benefits, such as increased revenue and competitive advantage, improved customer service and enhanced reputation. It will also improve seasonal spread as tourists with dementia prefer to travel in quieter periods and will future-proof businesses by tapping into a growth market.

Employers will also experience many benefits, such as increased revenue and competitive advantage, improved customer service and enhanced reputation.

It will also improve seasonal spread as tourists with dementia prefer to travel in quieter periods and will future-proof businesses by tapping into a growth market.

Read our blog of top tips for dementia-friendly outings, written by Heather Roberts, who is living with dementia.

Dementia-friendly tourism guide

Download your copy of the Dementia Friendly Tourism guide.

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