People with memory problems who live at home are sought to take part in research
From the June 2015 issue of our magazine, researchers are seeking people to take part in a project to help understand more about living well with dementia and what this entails.
University of Exeter researchers are looking for people across the UK who have developed memory problems and are still living at home to help them understand what it means to 'live well' with dementia.
Researchers from the IDEAL project will visit people at home to find out what challenges they face and how they have adapted to cope with them. They will visit three times over two years to understand how things have changed with time.
Tom Hawkins, who has dementia, and his wife Maureen helped to design the study and are encouraging people to take part.
Tom says,
'We think it's really important that people with dementia and family carers are involved in research projects like this. It helps the researchers but it also helps people like us.
'It's especially interesting to learn how dementia affects other people, and how other people cope with living with dementia.'
The study will make recommendations for social and health care providers, as well as producing guidance for people living with dementia.
Find out more about the IDEAL project or register to take part through Join Dementia Research.