Your answers: Lockdown confusion

Talking Point members’ advice about supporting a person with dementia who’s feeling confused by changes to lockdown rules.

Whisperer says,

‘Mum and face masks is a bit hit and miss. Fine at the GP surgery first time, not the second time. I just say if we do not wear them they will not let us in, few grumbles but Mum sees everyone else in them and accepts the new normal without comprehending it.

‘I had to explain why my supermarket job two nights a week had to go in March, now I just say I got made redundant like lots of other people.

‘Mum does not understand fully but accepts such things can happen. Chalk up love-lie number god only knows.’

Blossom50 says,

‘For a while we could visit Dad at his window at the home, but when he became a permanent resident he was moved to a different room so we could no longer do that. Then we were told no visits of any kind due to local restrictions, now we are on pre-booked garden visits, one person only. 

‘He turned 90 last month and I know these are his twilight years. It hurts that we cannot make any good final memories together, he is losing touch with the family, we all love him so much.

‘The only advice I can offer is to always be ready to adapt and do your best regardless.’ 

Starting on a journey says,

‘Luckily Mum was really good and accepted all the changes. I think because other people were doing the same. 

‘Mum liked shopping , never overspent, just likes to buy… and always coffee or a light lunch out… now I am not sure what we will do.

‘At 90 and not that robust, I wanted her to get out and about this summer as she may not be able to do much next year. 

‘Hopefully if there is no further lockdown, I can take her out more with the support of her grandchildren.’

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annielou says,

‘I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up in full on lockdown again in a while as, now things are easing, some people think it’s a free-for-all and have stopped being careful.

‘It’s going to be hard to explain to our loved ones why we could do things then have to stop again.’ 

Dexter5 says,

‘I’m filtering all the information gathered and providing the support that I feel they both need.

‘It’s so woolly, I’ve been feeling that we are the forgotten ones. I think I’m doing the right thing and then the guidelines suggest otherwise.

‘I’ll go with my instincts now and do my best, can’t do anything else than that.’ 

What would you say to someone who’s worried about seeing a person with dementia for the first time in months?

Let us know by 31 October 2020 so we can share it in our next magazine.

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Dementia together magazine: Oct/Nov 20

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